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What does the 'type' property in the mysqli_result object represent?

let's say I have this variable:

$my_query_object = $previous_connection->query($my_query);

that mysqli_result object according to php.net has several methods AND these properties:

int $current_field ;
int $field_count;
array $lengths;
int $num_rows; 

cool.. but if I


I get this property [type] => 0 at the end of the object description

Question 1: what is this property and why it wasn't mentioned in the mysqli_result page?!

Question 2: how can I print/echo/log/list the METHODS and PROPERTIES of an object and if I can't do both together (print properties and methods in one command) at least how can I print the methods of an object, got tired of going back and forth to php.net just to check the object's anatomy..


This is best explained in the docs for fetch-all :


This optional parameter is a constant indicating what type of array should be produced from the current row data. The possible values for this parameter are the constants MYSQLI_ASSOC , MYSQLI_NUM , or MYSQLI_BOTH .

To get the properties of an object, you can use get_object_vars() :

 class foo { private $a; public $b = 1; public $c; private $d; static $e; public function test() { var_dump(get_object_vars($this)); } } $test = new foo; var_dump(get_object_vars($test)); $test->test(); 

Okay, after a bit of research I found that

[type] => 0 represents MYSQLI_STORE_RESULT constant
[type] => 1 represents MYSQLI_USE_RESULT constant
for more information about the behaviour of these constants check this answer .

In contrast to Obsidian Age 's answer the number doesn't represent the type of the array and whether it's associative or numeric but the resultmode of the query() method

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