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ExtJs 3.4 - how to ToolTip a content of a textField component that was pre-loaded

This is the component where I'm trying to put a Tooltip:

this.textFieldStreet = new Ext.form.TextField({
    id          : 'idTextFieldStreet',
    fieldLabel  : 'Street',
    autoCreate  : limitChar(30,30),
    listeners   : {
         render : function(c){
                target : c.getEl(),
                html   : '' + Ext.getCmp('idTextFieldStreet').getValue()

In another .js I created the function that define every component like you see before and invoke the function as you see forward:

var componentFormCustomer = new ComponentFormCustomer();

Then I set value like:

componentFormCustomer.textFieldStreet.setValue('Some street info')

Now, here's the problem, I was looking for some ideas to do that and found nothing, I don't know if this is the right way to accomplish the tooltip. Help!


Define show listener for created tooltip . In this listener get the value of textfield and update tooltip. With this approach, the tooltip's content will change dynamically and will show the content of tooltip's target.


    var textFieldStreet = new Ext.form.TextField({
        renderTo    : Ext.getBody(),
        id          : 'idTextFieldStreet',
        fieldLabel  : 'Street',
        value       : 'Initial value',
        bodyCfg     : {
            tag: 'center',
            cls: 'x-panel-body',
            html: 'Message'
        listeners   : {
            render : function(c) {
                new Ext.ToolTip({
                    target : c.getEl(),
                    listeners: {
                        'show': function (t) {
                            var value = t.target.getValue();

    var button = new Ext.Button({
        renderTo : Ext.getBody(),
        text     : 'Change Tooltip',
        handler  : function () {
            textFieldStreet.setValue('New value');


Tested with ExtJS 3.4.1.

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