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STM32 Cmake STM32Workbench project

I am trying to write a CMakeLists.txt file for my STM32 project. I am using cmake files from this repo: https://github.com/ObKo/stm32-cmake . Building from command line works fine. I am doing it in that way:

cmake -C "..\STM32F207ZCTx_config.cmake" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=DEBUG -G "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles" ..
make.exe -j4

In cache file I have some variables set:

set(CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM "D:/STM32Workbench/plugins/fr.ac6.mcu.externaltools.arm-none.win32_1.16.0.201807130628/tools/make/make.exe"  CACHE STRING "stm32 make")
set(CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE "stm32-cmake/gcc_stm32.cmake" CACHE STRING "stm32 toolchain")
set(TOOLCHAIN_PREFIX "D:/STM32Workbench/plugins/fr.ac6.mcu.externaltools.arm-none.win32_1.16.0.201807130628/tools/compiler" CACHE STRING "arm toolchain path")

When I import created project to STM32 Workbench it generates a lot of errors "unresolved external" regarding stdint.h types (eg uint8_t, int32_t).

After some debugging this problem I realized that there are missing some defines which are used by stdint.h header. I checked out the compiler with this command:

arm-none-eabi-gcc.exe -dM -E out.h

And got the list of defines in arm-none-eabi-gcc:

#define __UINTMAX_TYPE__ long long unsigned int
#define __INT_FAST16_TYPE__ int
#define __INT_FAST64_TYPE__ long long int
#define __INT_FAST32_TYPE__ int
#define __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short unsigned int
#define __SIZE_TYPE__ unsigned int
#define __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__ short int
... and much more

These defines are needed by stdint.h to create correct uint8_t and other types.

I can add manually these defines to Eclipse project, but I am wondering if there is method to add these defines to Eclipse project automagically from CMake?

Any help will be appreciated.

Problem was in STM32Workbench. Sources were excluded from build and from indexer.

To fix it - right mouse click on source, Properties, C/C++ General, Preprocessor Include Paths, uncheck Exclude resource from build . Now the indexer is able to find all sources and all "unresolved external" errors are gone!

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