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Spring cloud zookeeper Config - Set ACL for zookeeper

According to the documentation , I can add authentication information for Zookeeper ACLs by calling the addAuthInfo. But in the Curator Framework bean I don't find the method itself. It throws complilation issue !! .

My POM has


How to add zookeeper auth info to Spring Cloud Zookeeper Config. Any working example would help me.

There is a github issue for this problem and it is still in the open status.

As long as this problem is solved by the spring cool team, you can create a custom curator config class and add authentication info to builder method of CuratorFrameworkFactory class:

    public class CustomCuratorFrameworkConfig {

        @Autowired(required = false)
        private EnsembleProvider ensembleProvider;

        public ZookeeperProperties zookeeperProperties() {
            return new ZookeeperProperties();

        public CuratorFramework curatorFramework(RetryPolicy retryPolicy, ZookeeperProperties properties) throws Exception{
            // username and password of the ACL digest scheme
            String zkUsername = "user";
            String zkPassword = "password";

            CuratorFrameworkFactory.Builder builder = CuratorFrameworkFactory.builder();
            if (this.ensembleProvider != null) {
            } else {


                String authenticationString = zkUsername + ":" + zkPassword;
                builder.authorization("digest", authenticationString.getBytes())
                        .aclProvider(new ACLProvider() {
                            public List<ACL> getDefaultAcl() {
                                return ZooDefs.Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL;

                            public List<ACL> getAclForPath(String path) {
                                return ZooDefs.Ids.CREATOR_ALL_ACL;

            CuratorFramework curator =  builder.build();
curator.blockUntilConnected(properties.getBlockUntilConnectedWait(), properties.getBlockUntilConnectedUnit());
            return curator;

        public RetryPolicy exponentialBackoffRetry(ZookeeperProperties properties) {
            return new ExponentialBackoffRetry(properties.getBaseSleepTimeMs(), properties.getMaxRetries(), properties.getMaxSleepMs());


And then continue like this spring document :

You can register configuration classes to run during this phase by annotating them with @BootstrapConfiguration and including them in a comma-separated list that you set as the value of the org.springframework.cloud.bootstrap.BootstrapConfiguration property in the resources/META-INF/spring.factories file



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