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When I run Java from a batch file, can I hook a batch file to force exit?

I create a directory in a Java file and delete it when done.

If I quit during Java work, of course it will not perform the deletion.

I've used addShutdownHook() but it seems to work fine with a shutdown command.

My forced shutdown means when i closing the running batch file window. (:when push X button)

Is there a way to solve it in Java source?

It is my tried source

Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() {
                public void run() {
                    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
                    FileUtils.deleteQuietly(new File(basePath));

I can not think of a pure java solution. The problem is, if your program is forced to shutdown, eg with kill -9 (SIGKILL), there is no chance for your program to hook in between. It will shutdown immediately.

You could use monitoring tools like monit or deamontools or supervisord to perform clean-up operations as soon as your program has been shutdown.

You can also provide a handmade solution like suggested here: Shell Script For Process Monitoring , eg using tools like watch .

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