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sql query between date not picking up row

Between dates is excluding the last date?

See below: (show all includes SO47 on 2018-06-30)

SELECT order_number , requested_ship_date FROM tv_sales_orders


When I do between statment:

SELECT order_number , requested_ship_date FROM tv_sales_orders WHERE requested_ship_date between '2018-06-01' and '2018-06-30'

There is NO SO47 which is on the 2018-06-30?


Please use below query to get the data:

SELECT order_number, requested_ship_date FROM tv_sales_orders WHERE CAST( requested_ship_date AS DATE) BETWEEN '2018-06-01' AND '2018-06-30';

Hope this works according to your requirement.

The '2018-06-30 12:00:00' is not being retrieved by your query because it is greater than '2018-06-30'. The reason it is greater is because you are not providing time with '2018-06-30' and the DBMS is appending default time with it ie'2018-06-30 00:00:00' which is less than '2018-06-30 12:00:00'. Try providing time in both values in the condition ie between '2018-06-01 00:00:00' and '2018-06-30 23:59:59' .

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