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use syntastic (or any vim checker) on a sagemath

I'm using vim for .sage files and I try to have a checker for these files. syntastic can handle python verification (with flake8 ) so I wanted to try this.

The first idea I had is to put something like this in my .vim/filetype.vim :

au BufNewFile,BufRead *.sage    setfiletype sage

But, I have some "useful" things in my .vim/ftplugin/sage.vim so I don't want to assimilate .sage files and .vim files.

So, my question is: is it possible for example to just tell syntastic to treat .sage files as a .py file?

The other problem I may have is that flake8 won't be happy with the sagemath functions that don't exist in python. Is there something I can do with that?

Thanks for your help.

In fact, I was, I hope, just to tired to understand well enough the faq of syntastic..

I put

let g:syntastic_sage_checkers = ['python/flake8']
et g:syntastic_sage_flake8_args = '--ignore=F821

in my .vimrc

the first line, as explained in the syntastic page, tells that "even if the type is sage, I will use flake8, usually used for python files.

the second disable the error F821 of flake8 , it is the error for "undefined name". It is usefull because of the sagemath functions that differs from python..


autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.sage set filetype=sage


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