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Fetch array of object values using angular and typescript

I am trying to get the array of object values into the array using nested for loop. I am getting the json data as below. For that i have written the typescript code as below. But i am not able to get the desired results to bind the values to template. See below my code.

This is my typescript code:

let totalData = results['data'];
     for (var i=0; i<totalData.length; i++)
        for (var task in totalData[i]) {
            console.log("Task: "+task);
            console.log("totalTests: "+task['totalTestCompleted']);
            console.log("totalOpenIssues: "+totalData[i][task].totalOpenIssues);

The below is the json data i am getting from the rest api.

                "baseUrl":" http://www.google.com",
             "name":"Tue Sep 25 10:18:41 UTC 2018",
             "description":"Invalid Region: US_WEST_1",

          "ciCdStatus":"FAIL:Invalid Region: US_WEST_1FAIL:0.0:0:0:"

I am trying to get the key and values of task object as below


When i am trying to get the json array of object values then i am getting this error:

ERROR TypeError: Cannot read property 'totalTestCompleted' of null

So my idea is to bind those values to template. For that i have written the everyting but i am not able to get the array of json object values. Can anyone help me on this?


There are some problems on your code. According to the data you show, you don't need nested loops. Also, there's no totalTestCompleted key anywhere in your data.

let totalData = results['data'];
for (var i=0; i<totalData.length; i++) {
    // totalTestCompleted doesn't exist: console.log("totalTests: "+task.totalTestCompleted);
    console.log("totalOpenIssues: "+ totalData[i].task.totalOpenIssues);

Not all your elements contains the task information so you need to check for it.

for (var key in totalData) {
  console.log('Task id: ' + key);
  // You have an empty item in the end
  if (totalData[key].task) {
        console.log('Total tests: ' + totalData[key].task.totalTests);
    console.log('Total open issues: ' + totalData[key].task.totalOpenIssues);
  else {
    console.log('No task');

Just another note, for (var task in totalData[i]) will return every key of the object:

var o = { a: 1, b: 2 };
for (var k in o) {
  console.log('Key: ' + k);

// The above will log
Key: a
Key: b

The way you were using it you got all the keys:

and so on...

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