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HTML5 Video - How to seamlessly play several videos and then loop the sequence?

I know that similar questions have been asked before but none has been able to solve this specific problem, they only solve parts of it.

I want to achieve the following:

  1. We have a bunch of videos. Let's call them video1 , video2 , video3 , video4 and video5 .
  2. The videos play in an ordered sequence which is repeated in an endless loop - so after video1 is finished, video2 is played, then video3 , video4 , video5 and then it starts again from video1 .
  3. The starting point must be random. So this whole sequence should start from a randomly selected video in the list but then go through the rest of the list in the normal order. If it randomly selects to start with video3 , it would then go on to play video4 , video5 , video1 , video2 etc.
  4. The playback of the sequence has to start automatically without any user input.
  5. Now this last point is the most difficult one: There must be no gap in between the play of each video.

I have been able to write a code that does everything from the point 1 to 4 but I can not get it to solve point 5!

Here is my code. I have set the background-color of the video to red to make the gap between the videos visible - you will be able to see a red flash between the playback of each video. This is what I need to solve: I need that split second gap to be gone, so that the playback will be absolutely seamless.

 var vidElement = document.getElementById('video'); var vidSources = [ "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4", "http://www.w3schools.com/html/movie.mp4" ]; var activeVideo = Math.floor((Math.random() * vidSources.length)); vidElement.src = vidSources[activeVideo]; vidElement.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { // update the active video index activeVideo = (++activeVideo) % vidSources.length; if(activeVideo === vidSources.length){ activeVideo = 0; } // update the video source and play vidElement.src = vidSources[activeVideo]; vidElement.play(); });
 video { background-color: red }
 <video src="http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4" id="video" autoplay muted playsinline></video> <p>(each video is just ~ 10 seconds)</p>

You can create two video elements with preload attribute and add it to div containar. Then we can switch between the videos by toggling the display state like follows:

 var videoContainer = document.getElementById('videoContainer'), output = document.getElementById('output'), nextVideo, videoObjects = [ document.createElement('video'), document.createElement('video') ], vidSources = [ "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4", "http://www.w3schools.com/html/movie.mp4", "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4", "http://www.w3schools.com/html/movie.mp4", "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4", "http://www.w3schools.com/html/movie.mp4" //this list could be additionally filled without any other changing from code ], //random starting point nextActiveVideo = Math.floor((Math.random() * vidSources.length)); videoObjects[0].inx = 0; //set index videoObjects[1].inx = 1; initVideoElement(videoObjects[0]); initVideoElement(videoObjects[1]); videoObjects[0].autoplay = true; videoObjects[0].src = vidSources[nextActiveVideo]; videoContainer.appendChild(videoObjects[0]); videoObjects[1].style.display = 'none'; videoContainer.appendChild(videoObjects[1]); function initVideoElement(video) { video.playsinline = true; video.muted = false; video.preload = 'auto'; //but do not set autoplay, because it deletes preload //loadedmetadata is wrong because if we use it then we get endless loop video.onplaying = function(e) { output.innerHTML = 'Current video source index: ' + nextActiveVideo; //select next index. If is equal vidSources.length then it is 0 nextActiveVideo = ++nextActiveVideo % vidSources.length; //replace the video elements against each other: if(this.inx == 0) nextVideo = videoObjects[1]; else nextVideo = videoObjects[0]; nextVideo.src = vidSources[nextActiveVideo]; nextVideo.pause(); }; video.onended = function(e) { this.style.display = 'none'; nextVideo.style.display = 'block'; nextVideo.play(); }; }
 video{background-color: red}
 <div id="videoContainer" style="display:inline-block"></div> <b id="output" style="vertical-align:top"></b>

Try with setting the display to block and none:

 var vidElement0 = document.getElementById('video0'); var vidElement1 = document.getElementById('video1'); var vidElement2 = document.getElementById('video2'); var vidElement3 = document.getElementById('video3'); var vidElement4 = document.getElementById('video4'); var vidSource0 = "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4"; var vidSource1 = "http://www.w3schools.com/html/movie.mp4"; var vidSource2 = "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4"; var vidSource3 = "http://www.w3schools.com/html/movie.mp4"; var vidSource4 = "http://www.w3schools.com/html/mov_bbb.mp4"; vidElement0.src = vidSource0; vidElement1.src = vidSource1; vidElement2.src = vidSource2; vidElement3.src = vidSource3; vidElement4.src = vidSource4; var rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * 5 )); //5 = length of vidsources (Start counting from 0) var vidRandom = document.getElementById("video" + rand); console.log("Video "+rand+ " will be displayed first."); vidRandom.style.display = "block"; vidElement0.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { vidElement1.play(); vidElement0.style.display = "none"; vidElement1.style.display = "block"; }); vidElement1.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { vidElement2.play(); vidElement1.style.display = "none"; vidElement2.style.display = "block"; }); vidElement2.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { vidElement3.play(); vidElement2.style.display = "none"; vidElement3.style.display = "block"; }); vidElement3.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { vidElement4.play(); vidElement3.style.display = "none"; vidElement4.style.display = "block"; }); vidElement4.addEventListener('ended', function(e) { vidElement0.play(); vidElement4.style.display = "none"; vidElement0.style.display = "block"; });
 video {background-color: red; height: 200px; width: 300px;display: none; }
 <video src="" id="video0" preload autoplay muted playsinline></video> <video src="" id="video1" preload autoplay muted playsinline></video> <video src="" id="video2" preload autoplay muted playsinline></video> <video src="" id="video3" preload autoplay muted playsinline></video> <video src="" id="video4" preload autoplay muted playsinline></video>

EDIT : I have edited the sources, made it 5 sources, but I couldn't find the correct code to fade it in.

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