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Get selected element by combobox from XML file

I have an combobox that filled with xml data. The valu member is from xml file. I would like read the selected element from xml file.

var xmlDocument = XDocument.Load(@"data\tools.xml");
    var ToolData = from r in xmlDocument.Descendants("ToolClass").Where
                   (r => (string)r.Attribute("ToolID") == ToolListComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString())
                   select new
                       Tooldia = r.Element("ToolDia").Value,
                       Tooltooth = r.Element("ToolTooth").Value,
                       Toolfeed= r.Element("ToolFeedPerTooth").Value,
                       Toolcut = r.Element("ToolCuttingSpeed").Value                               
    foreach(var r in ToolData)
        CalcToolDia.Text = r.Tooldia.ToString();

I tried with this code, but not work.

EDIT: I have this XMl file:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
<ArrayOfToolClass xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <ToolName>Multiflute Endmill</ToolName>
    <ToolName>Multiflute Endmill</ToolName>

The combobox contain this:

var xmlDocument = XDocument.Load(@"data\tools.xml");
            var toolist = xmlDocument.Descendants("ToolClass")
                                                  .Select(tc => new
            Display = tc.Element("ToolDia").Value + "x" + tc.Element("ToolApmxs").Value + " mm - " + tc.Element("ToolName").Value,
            Value = tc.Element("ToolID").Value

            ToolListComboBox.DisplayMember = "Display";
            ToolListComboBox.ValueMember = "Value";
            ToolListComboBox.DataSource = toolist;

When I select an item in combobox then she give me the ToolID. After this I would like to read the elemnts from xml file where ToolID is the combobox selected ToolID.

If I am understand correctly you have an elements value and you want to retrieve the entire element providing this value - maybe try below.

To modify my sample provided to align to your example:

XElement root = XElement.Load(@"data\tools.xml");  
IEnumerable<XElement> address =  
    from el in root.Elements("ToolClass")  
    where (string)el.Attribute("ToolID") ==ToolListComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString()  
    select el;  
foreach (XElement el in address)  

I think mistake is - where you are using attribute instead of element. Change it to


This is how it will look

var xmlDocument = XDocument.Load(@"data\tools.xml");
    var ToolData = from r in xmlDocument.Descendants("ToolClass").Where
                   (r => (string)r.Element("ToolID").Value == ToolListComboBox.SelectedValue.ToString())
                   select new
                       Tooldia = r.Element("ToolDia").Value,
                       Tooltooth = r.Element("ToolTooth").Value,
                       Toolfeed= r.Element("ToolFeedPerTooth").Value,
                       Toolcut = r.Element("ToolCuttingSpeed").Value                               
    foreach(var r in ToolData)
        CalcToolDia.Text = r.Tooldia.ToString();

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