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Sonarqube, PMD, findbugs and checkstyle

I am using sonarqube community version 6.7.2, and, as I remember, SonarJava plugin was aiming to replace (mostly at least) Findbugs and PMD rules by squid ones. There was an information on rules from those providers when there was a proper squid rule replacement, but now I am unable to find it and some rules from findbugs, for example, are very similar to others I know from squid.

Sonarqube recommends using only squid rules? Does those rules replaces well rules from PMD and Findbugs?

It is recommended to use squid rules because they are supported by SonarLint .

Unfortunately, there is no available a rules mapping which allows you to easily migrate from Checkstyle, FindBugs or PMD to SonarJava plugin (it was, but has been dropped: Where is dist.sonarsource.com content? ).

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