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How to generate xhtml files in webapp using javac annotation processor

I am generating some source files at compile time using annotation processors, it is a very powerful feature. But I want to generate also some facelets components. I don't know how to create non java files in the webapp folder. I know I can do this creating a maven plugin, but I want to do it with javac annotation processors. Is it possible? Any advice?


The idea is to generate some xhtml files (facelets tags and components) right under the webapp folder of the sources (maven project) based on JPA entities. So I have created an AnnotationProcessor, it is fired automatically by javac at compile time and using the javax.annotation.processing API I can generate files under target/generated-sources only.

I have found a workaround, creating a dummy file under target/generated-sources and using its URI to resolve the src/main/webapp, but if are there any more elegant solution using the API it will be welcome.

I have found an ugly but working solution: Create a dummy file in SOURCE_OUTPUT and get the path from the FileObject URI, then navigate to the project root.

  FileObject f = processingEnv.getFiler().createResource(StandardLocation.SOURCE_OUTPUT, "", "DUMMY");
  Path p = Paths.get(f.toUri())
          .getParent()  // {PROJECT_ROOT}/target/generated-sources/annotations
          .getParent()  // {PROJECT_ROOT}/target/generated-sources
          .getParent()  // {PROJECT_ROOT}/target
          .getParent(); // {PROJECT_ROOT}
  FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(new File(p.toFile(), "src/main/webapp/generated.xhtml"));
  fw.append("some content...");

I leave this answer until a better one arrives :)

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