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How to get the last event fired on ExtJs

I'm trying to create a costume Error handler. So far I'm able to retrieve the errors triggered by the system with the following code:

window.onerror = function(message, source, lineno, colno, error) {
             me.errorHandler(error, true);
             return true;

My problem is: I would love to specify what kind of event or action triggered my error.

Is there any way to find out what Events/Listeners/Actions were triggered? Something like using Ext.util.Observable

I've found my solution. Its something like this;

    //object is the main Page/Menu that i want to "Observate"
    Ext.util.Observable.capture(object, function(){
        //arguments have the listener, page and component

Doing this, every time an event is fired on the "object" this function will be triggered, and i can log the error or the event fired.

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