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Maven picking up dependency of new version

I have a Pom where I have included a dependency for selenium HTML Unit driver. It has a dependency with HtmlUnit v2.18. But While viewing the dependency tree, I was able to see that its picking up another version which I didn't specify, causing issues.

Dependency in my pom:


Dependency Tree (from terminal):

[INFO] |  +- org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-support:jar:2.53.1:compile (version managed from 2.52.0)
[INFO] |  |  \- org.seleniumhq.selenium:selenium-remote-driver:jar:2.53.1:compile
[INFO] |  +- net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit:jar:2.21:compile (version managed from 2.18)
[INFO] |  |  +- xalan:xalan:jar:2.7.2:compile
[INFO] |  |  |  \- xalan:serializer:jar:2.7.2:compile

You can clearly see that htmlunit:jar:2.21:compile (version managed from 2.18). I was expecting 2.18.

  • I didn't override anything in my pom.xml.
  • Also checked the dependency convergence. There was no convergence for htmlunit:jar

How to resolve this issue without adding the appropriate version in our project pom. Note: In spite of this issue, while building and running the project from console it works fine. But for debugging purpose, I need it to run in IDE like Intellij / Eclipse

This is also one of the cause for the issue - htmlunit driver gives me com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.html.HtmlPage cannot be cast to com.gargoylesoftware.htmlunit.InteractivePage error

Please add the mave-enforcer-plugin to find out from which dependency your different version will come:


When you know, you could add an exclusion to the dependencies like in this example:


Welcome in the jar hell.

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