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Need help in Dataweave Transformation

I have the oracle database table CASH which contains below columns:

1234    24-SEP-18   1123    112 A
1234    24-SEP-18   1124    113 S
1234    24-SEP-18   1123    116 S
1234    24-SEP-18   1124    117 A
7895    24-SEP-18   2568    119 A
7895    24-SEP-18   2568    118 S

Where the register number are the cash registers which can have multiple CASE linked to it and each CASE can have more than one BAG and Type attached to it. I want to transform it into below XML in Dataweave:


Could you please give some pointers how can I achieve this in dataweave.

Thanks !!

Assuming you've already read the data from the database, you can use the following:

%dw 1.0
%output application/xml
ROOT: payload groupBy (($.REGISTER as :string) ++ ($.DATE as :string)) mapObject ((entries, number) -> {
        REGISTER: entries[0].REGISTER,
        DATE: entries[0].DATE as :string {format: "yyyy-MM-dd"},
        (entries groupBy $.CASE map DETAILS: {
            CASE: $.CASE[0],
            ($ map DETAIL: {
                BAG: $.BAG,
                TYPE: $.TYPE

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