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Django/React app API in production vs development?

So I have made a React app that uses Axios to fetch api's. During development, I would have an api call to However, my ReactApp resided on localhost:3000. Therefore, it development, I can't just use:


In dev I would need to use:


Anybody have any good ideas on how to resolve this conflict so I can see some data in dev? Kinda tough to design an UI without any data to populate it. Kinda like buying a shirt without trying it on first (which, I never try anything on, so this is a horrible analogy.)

Use it as in the first example. Because it is relative , it will resolve fine for different hosts:


Will automatically resolve to:

// if called by https://example.com/index.js for example

// if called by localhost/index.js

In your second example, if you prepend the host and port , you will get duplication!

For example, I just tried your first example on my localhost:3000 and the result is

GET http://localhost:3000/api 404 (Not Found)

Which makes sense because I don't have a /api. But did you notice it appended /api correctly after my host and port?

Now your second example:

GET http://localhost:3000/ 404 (Not Found)

It duplicates the host and port. In your case it would be

Just use the first example and it will resolve fine for different hosts (and ports) because it's relative! Did you try it out?

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