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How to convert GeoJSON to NetworkX graph

I have a GeoJSON file that records a city's roads geocodes and their attributes. Sample looks like this

{"type":"FeatureCollection", "features": [
{"type":"LineString","coordinates":[[lat1, long1],[lat2, long2],[lat3, long3]]},

In this case, how can I convert such JSON to a networkX graph? Ideally a DiGraph (I do notice that direction information is not indicted in the JSON at all. I am fine with assuming all links are bidirectional.)

This question is similar to the following question on GIS stackexchange: Retrieving OpenStreetMap data with Python using GeoJSON geometry as boundary and its answer .

The main ingredients you need are the following:

  1. geopandas to parse the geojson into a GeoDataFrame with read_file
  2. OSMnx to transform the GeoDataFrame into a networkx.MultiDiGraph using osmnx.utils_graph.graph_from_gdfs

Alternatively, you could use ignore_geometry=True in the first step and use nx.from_pandas_edgelist

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