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Min Max R Getmode Datasets

This is a follow up to another question that I had earlier. I have the solution, but need help with add the last part.


getmode<- function(origtable,groupby,columnname) {
    data <- ddply (origtable, groupby, .fun = function(xx){
      c(m1 = paste(names(sort(table(xx[,columnname]),decreasing=TRUE)[1]))) 
      } ) 


df<-read.table(text="CreditCardType  Bank   Year   TotalBalance
               MASTERCARD       BOFA   2017   $100
               MASTERCARD       BOFA   2017   $100
               MASTERCARD       BOFA   2017   $700
               VISA              Wells  2018   $60 
               VISA              Wells  2018   $50
               VISA              Wells  2018   $60",
               header=T, stringsAsFactors=F)

This got me the mode I was looking for! However I need min and max as well, and

there isn't any "Getmin" or "Getmax"

Any ideas??

Thanks in advance!@

Something like this...?

> df %>% 
    group_by(CreditCardType, Bank, Year) %>% 
# A tibble: 2 x 5
# Groups:   CreditCardType, Bank [?]
  CreditCardType Bank   Year   Min   Max
  <chr>          <chr> <int> <dbl> <dbl>
1 MASTERCARD     BOFA   2017   100   700
2 VISA           Wells  2018    50    60

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