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Gradle : generating a jar from externally compiled classes

I'm trying to generate a jar from a folder in which I manually compiled my classes.

Here is the task I put in place

task toJar (type: Jar) {
    from file('/path/to/classes/dir')
    destinationDir file('/path/to/jars/dir')
    with jar

But what that task doesn't generate anything. I've seen may examples with configurations.compile.collect but in my case the directory is compiled by an external tool.

How gradle can generate a jar from externally compiled classes ?

Your task should work fine, but you don't really need the with jar .

Below is a working example, assuming that the directory with externally compiled classes is $rootDir/externalClasses :

task toJar(type: Jar) {
    from file("$rootDir/externalClasses")
    destinationDir project.buildDir
    // print each included file for debug purpose
    eachFile { print "included file: $it" }

Output :

> Task :toJar
included file: file 'C:\tmp\gradle-projects\TestGradle\externalClasses\org\mycompany\gradle\MaiApp.class'
1 actionable task: 1 executed

The result Jar file is then properly created in $buildDir/

Can you try to remove the "with jar" line, and add the eachFile debug closure in your code? what is the output?

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