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How to convince Scala.js to use Javascript defined method equals for comparison?

Background: the real projects uses Three.js with a facade . Both Three.js and the facade define the equals method for many types, including Vector3 . This is a small sample demonstrating the equals functionality.

I have a Javascript type which defines an equals method:


function MyType(x, y) {
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;

MyType.prototype.constructor = MyType;
MyType.prototype.equals = function(that) {
    return (this.x === that.x) && (this.y === that.y);

MyType.prototype.toString = function() {
    return "MyType(" + this.x + "," + this.y + ")";

MyType.scala facade:

class MyType(var x: Double, var y: Double) extends js.Any {
  def equals(that: MyType): Boolean = js.native

  override def toString: String = js.native

The trouble is Scala.js seems to provide its own equals implementation which hides the one provided by the Javascript class for the purpose of comparisons.

In my test suite I have following code:

class MyTypeTest extends FunSuite {
  test("Basic test") {
    val my0 = new MyType(0, 0)
    val my1 = new MyType(0, 0)
    val e1 = my0 equals my1
    val e3 = my0 == my1
    val e4 = my0 === my1
    assert(e1, "equals")
    assert(e3, "==")
    assert(e4, "===")

While the e1 line calls the MyType.equals , e3 and e4 do not. I did not find any way how could I convince it to do so. I have tried changing the signature to def equals(that: js.Any): Boolean or even override def equals(that: Any): Boolean , still no luck.

The best I could do was pimping ==== operator and use that:

object MyType {
  implicit class PimpEquals(val myType: MyType) {
    override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
      that match {
        case myTypeThat: MyType =>
          myType.equals(myTypeThat) // calls MyType.equals
        case _ =>
          myType.equals(that) // calls java.lang.Object.equals

    def ====(that: Any): Boolean = {

(The pimped equals is not considered for normal == , which is no surprise given how the language is defined). Still the trouble with ==== is someone can use == operator by mistake and is given no warning.

Is there any way to convince Scala.js to use the equals implementation provided by the JavaScript class? If not, is there any way how to make it issue an error or warning (compile time preferably) when == is used on the MyType ?

Note: complete ready-to-use project is available at GitHub .

I have found a partial answer. I can use @JSName to overload == operator. It cannot be overridden, as it is final, but it can be overloaded:

class MyType(var x: Double, var y: Double) extends js.Any {
  def equals(that: MyType): Boolean = js.native

  def ==(that: MyType): Boolean = js.native

  def !=(that: MyType): Boolean = js.native

  override def toString: String = js.native

Note I am importing equalsNot as != . Such function does not exist, but I want to be given error when someone attempts to use != . Without overloading it would work silently, but with a different semantic than == .

I would prefer overriding equals somehow so that natural Scala implementations of == and != are used, but I did not find a way so far. Perhaps someone else is able to come with some smarter solution?

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