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How to download puppet manifest file from master using agent?


I'm not sure what your use-case is here, but I do not believe this is possible.

In a simple master-agent setup, the agent sends facts to its configured master. In exchange, the master combines those facts, site-specific hiera data, and resource definitions in applicable manifests, compiles a catalog, and sends that catalog to the agent–by design, I don't think agents can access uncompiled manifests. However, where I am more certain is in your ability to see which resources are under puppet's management in the agent's $vardir more info here . More specifically, inside $vardir/state . If you'd like to see the compiled catalog, that's available in $vardir/catalog .

Depending on what you're trying to achieve, maybe it would be enough to see the dependency model on a given agent. You can generate the directed acyclic graph with puppet agent -t --graph which will populate $vardir/state/graphs with graphviz dot files . With graphviz installed, you could generate visuals in formats like svg by running dot expanded_relationships.dot -Tsvg -o expanded_relationships.svg

Not quite the full output of the manifests used to compile an agent's catalog, but there's a lot to chew on there.

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