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Delete value in array and in array Laravel

I have array


And i have value x = 'a'

I need delete name in tag in array product where name == x

I used two foreach, one foreach loop Product and one foreach loop tag, then checking condition if(name == x) and delete item


$tag = 'a'

foreach($blogs as $blog) {

    foreach(json_decode($blog->tag) as $detail_tag) {

        if($detail_tag == $tag) {


However, I mean function have some error ( I write code on paper and I don't test :( ) and I mean it no performance @@. Thanks

  • You need to first convert the JSON object to array using json_decode() function. Second parameter in this function is set to true , in order to convert the JSON into associative array.
  • Then, loop over the array. In foreach you need to access key as well, in order to unset() the value.
  • Then, convert the array back to JSON object using json_encode() function.


$tag = 'a';

foreach($blogs as $blog) {

  // convert to array using json_decode() (second parameter to true)
  $blog_arr = json_decode($blog->tag, true);

  // Loop over the array accessing key as well
  foreach( $blog_arr as $key => $detail_tag){

      if ($detail_tag === $tag) {
          // unset the key

   // Convert back to JSON object
   $blog_tag_modified = json_encode($blog_arr);

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