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Given a select statement how do i subselect more?

The following select statement gives me a table with overtime greater than 80:

SELECT empid,overtime FROM(SELECT empid, IF(SUM(slength)>80,SUM(slength)-80,0) 
as 'overtime' from schedule_2 group by empid) as t
where overtime >0;


Now I want to join the empid with another table(t3) where I have to concatenate the first name and last name and then join it to the above table.

[![This table][2]][2]

I cant seem to figure out how to join both these select statement and keep running into errors

use your query as a sub-query and join with table t3 ans use concat function

select t1.empid,
concat(t3.firstname,t3.lastname) as name,
t1.overtime from    
select * from
SELECT empid, IF(SUM(slength)>80,SUM(slength)-80,0) 
as overtime from schedule_2 group by empid
) as t
where overtime >0
) as t1 join t3 on t1.empid=t3.empid

Try below using join with employees_2 table

SELECT t.empid,overtime,concat(firstname,' ',lastname) as empname
(SELECT empid, IF(SUM(slength)>80,SUM(slength)-80,0) 
as 'overtime' from schedule_2 group by empid) as t
inner join employees_2 t1 on t.empid=t1.empid
where overtime >0;

Try this:

select empid, fullName, overtime
from (
    SELECT empid,
    FROM (
        SELECT empid, 
               IF(SUM(slength)>80,SUM(slength)-80,0) as overtime
        from schedule_2 group by empid
    ) as t where overtime > 0
) a join (
    select concat(firstName, ' ', lastName) fullName, 
    from employees_2
) b on a.empid = b.empid

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