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How to define a custom type error within a type family for a constraint that uses type equality?

So, one can define a membership constraint like so:

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Whatever where

type family MemberB (x :: k) (l :: [k]) where
  MemberB _ '[]      = 'False
  MemberB a (a : xs) = 'True
  MemberB a (b : xs) = MemberB a xs

type Member x xs = MemberB x xs ~ 'True

data Configuration = A | B | C

data Action (configuration :: Configuration) where
  Action1 :: Member cfg '[ 'A ]     => Action cfg
  Action2 :: Member cfg '[ 'B, 'C ] => Action cfg
  Action3 :: Member cfg '[ 'A, 'C ] => Action cfg

exhaustive :: Action 'A -> ()
exhaustive Action1 = ()
exhaustive Action3 = ()
exhaustive Action2 = ()

But the error message we get is not very informative:

 • Couldn't match type ‘'False’ with ‘'True’
   Inaccessible code in
     a pattern with constructor:
       Action2 :: forall (cfg :: Configuration).
                  Member cfg '['B, 'C] =>
                  Action cfg,
     in an equation for ‘exhaustive’
 • In the pattern: Action2
   In an equation for ‘exhaustive’: exhaustive Action2 = () (intero)

It'd be nice to use the new TypeError feature to improve on this message, however, a naive solution gobbles the error:

import GHC.TypeLits

type family MemberB (x :: k) (l :: [k]) where
  MemberB _ '[]      = TypeError ('Text "not a member")
  MemberB a (a : xs) = 'True
  MemberB a (b : xs) = MemberB a xs

It seems that, maybe, TypeError behaves as any type, and so it unifies happily with 'True ?

Is there a way to get a nice type error, while preserving the membership behavior?

Well, it doesn't use TypeError , but you might find it interesting anyway:

{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}

module Whatever where

data IsMember k = IsMember | Isn'tMember k [k]

type family MemberB (x :: k) (l :: [k]) (orig :: [k]) where
  MemberB a '[]      ys = 'Isn'tMember a ys
  MemberB a (a : xs) ys = 'IsMember
  MemberB a (b : xs) ys = MemberB a xs ys

type Member x xs = MemberB x xs xs ~ 'IsMember

data Configuration = A | B | C

data Action (configuration :: Configuration) where
  Action1 :: Member cfg '[ 'A ]     => Action cfg
  Action2 :: Member cfg '[ 'B, 'C ] => Action cfg
  Action3 :: Member cfg '[ 'A, 'C ] => Action cfg

exhaustive :: Action 'A -> ()
exhaustive Action1 = ()
exhaustive Action3 = ()
exhaustive Action2 = ()

The error is a bit more informative now:

test.hs:32:16: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘'Isn'tMember 'A '['B, 'C]’ with ‘'IsMember’
      Inaccessible code in
        a pattern with constructor:
          Action2 :: forall (cfg :: Configuration).
                     Member cfg '['B, 'C] =>
                     Action cfg,
        in an equation for ‘exhaustive’
    • In the pattern: Action2
      In an equation for ‘exhaustive’: exhaustive Action2 = ()
32 |     exhaustive Action2 = ()
   |                ^^^^^^^

exhaustive is handling a case that can never happen but that's not really an error. Or at least, it's working as intended for now, even if the type system could be improved to not allow handling of impossible cases.

Pattern-matching on Action2 provides you the constraint Member 'A '[ 'B, 'C ] into your context. This is different from using Action2 as an expression, which requires that constraint, and that would result in an error in the constraint solver.

I think you probably want to go back to the first attempt:

type family MemberB (x :: k) (l :: [k]) where
  MemberB _ '[]      = 'False
  MemberB a (a : xs) = 'True
  MemberB a (b : xs) = MemberB a xs

But let's fix up Member .

type Member x l = Member' x l (MemberB x l)

type family Member' x l mem :: Constraint where
  Member' x l 'True = ()
  Member' x l 'False =
    TypeError ('ShowType x :<>:
               'Text " is not a member of " :<>:
               'ShowType l)

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