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How to separate mp3, mp4 file name from string using php?

Hi anyone can help I want separate mp3, mp4 from imploded data in PHP

my data string

$data = "song1.mp3, video1.mp4, song2.mp3"

i want to divide into two separate strings 1 string contains only mp4 with ( , ) separated and another with mp3

my data from database:

$data = "song1.mp3, video.mp4, song2.mp3";
$mp4 = video1.mp4,video2.mp4,..etc;
$mp3 = song1.mp3,song2.mp3,..etc;

thank you

Assuming your songs names are well formatted, meaning that they are named as title.suffix

     $data = "song1.mp3, video.mp4, song2.mp3";
     $mp3 = [];
     $mp4 = [];

     $song_names = explode(',', $data);
     foreach ($song_names as $song_name) {
         $song_name = trim($song_name);
         $parts = explode('.', $song_name);
         if (count($parts) == 2) {
             $suffix = $parts[1];
             if ($suffix == 'mp3') {
                 $mp3[] = $song_name;
             } else if ($suffix == 'mp4') {
                 $mp4[] = $song_name;

     //using implode so that we won't have an extra comma hanging in the end
     $mp4 = implode(', ', $mp4);
     $mp3 = implode(', ', $mp3);

Use explode() to converting string to array by , delimiter. Then loop through array items and get extension of file name using substr() and check it.

$data = "song1.mp3, video1.mp4, song2.mp3";
$mp4 = $mp3 = "";
foreach (explode(",", $data) as $file){
    $file = trim($file);
    substr($file, -3) == "mp4" ? $mp4.=$file."," : $mp3.=$file.",";  
$mp4 = substr($mp4, 0, -1);
$mp3 = substr($mp3, 0, -1);

Check result in demo

This sounds like a job for a preg_match_all() regex:


$string = 'song1.mp3, video.mp4, song2.mp3';

$regex = '#([^,\s]+\.mp3)#';
preg_match_all($regex, $string, $mp3s);

$regex = '#([^,\s]+\.mp4)#';
preg_match_all($regex, $string, $mp4s);


Which gives you:

array(2) { [0]=> string(9) "song1.mp3" [1]=> string(9) "song2.mp3" } 
array(1) { [0]=> string(9) "video.mp4" }

Here's the code in action https://3v4l.org/2EmkR

Here's the docs for preg_match_all() http://php.net/manual/en/function.preg-match-all.php

Ok - a slightly different approach using pathinfo

$data = 'song1.mp3, video1.mp4, song2.mp3';
$mp3s = [];
$mp4s = [];

foreach (explode(', ', $data) as $file) {
    $type = pathinfo($file)['extension'];
    $type === 'mp3' ? $mp3s[] = $file : $mp4s[] = $file;

echo implode(', ', $mp4s) . PHP_EOL;
echo implode(', ', $mp3s) . PHP_EOL;

Could definitely use some validation and so forth but as an MVP it does the trick.

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