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Where are the application.properties files in a spring boot jar?

I have a spring boot app (2.0.1) with embedded Tomcat that has been assembled into an executable jar via mvn clean package springboot:repackage. The application runs perfectly.

We have a security requirement that states that the passwords used must be encrypted in the property files. They are ( with jasypt). I am using @ConfigurationProperties to inject them into classes.

As part of a QA test, the testers need to see the encrypted properties.

My question is, when I open the jar file, I can't find the application.properties files. Are they not loaded in the jar? Preinjected at compile time based on the environment?










 more dependencies

<pluginManagement><!-- lock down plugins versions to avoid using Maven defaults (may be moved to parent pom) -->
              <!-- Force alphabetical order to have a reproducible build -->



application.properties 文件位于 JAR 文件中:


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