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Apache Tomcat 9 on Windows 10

VMware ESXi 6.5 and later (VM version 13)
2x CPU (Xeon E5-2620 v3)
16,384 MB memory
Guest OS: Windows 10 Pro 1809 (build 17763.55)

Performance of the VM is very sluggish, even through the VMware console connection. Looking at the Resource Monitor, the tomcat9.exe process is the main hog of CPU time. This process has between 150-180 threads running and average CPU utilisation of around 75% with overall CPU hovering around 90-100%.
I have been reading that Tomcat should be able to run on minimal resources so there must be something else going on here. Unfortunately I know very little about Tomcat so am at a loss of what to look for. I have rebooted the VM and have nothing running on it (apart from the Resource Monitor).
Surely Tomcat should not be monopolising the CPU like this?

It also seems like a Java process is high on the CPU utilisation list. Conversely, we have another instance using Tomcat 8 on Windows 7 which is not taxing the CPU at all.

In this specific case, increasing the amount of memory available to the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) solved the problem.

Refer this article for How to Increase Java Memory in Windows

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