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How to get nested tables' data using Eloquent Relationships - Laravel?

I've two tables: 1. categories, 2. Items


id | name
 1 | shirt
 2 | shoes


id | categories_id | name
 1 |   1           | casual
 2 |   1           | dress
 3 |   2           | leather
 4 |   2           | jogar

Now I want to get the data of both tables using Eloquent relationship.

Desired array:

  'name' => 'shirts',
  'items' => ['casual', 'dress']
   'name' => 'shoes',
   'items' => ['leather', 'jogar']

First, you need to define your relationship.

By the look of your db structure, it seems that a Category has many Items . So in this case it can be a One-to-Many or Many-to-many relationship. I'll go for the first one in this answer.

Now, in your models, define the relationship.


public function items()
    return $this->hasMany(Item::class);


public function category()
    return $this->belongsTo(Category::class);

Now, when querying results, you can do as simple use the with() method to eager load the relationship items

// Perform your query and load the relationship
$categories = Category::with('items')->get();

or the load() one, to lazy eager loading the related items.

// Perform your query
$categories = Category::all();
// load the related items

Link to the documentation: Eloquent Relationships .

in your Items.php

public function category()
    return $this->belongsTo('App\Categories', 'foreign_key');

From that on just use:

$items = new Items;
$category = $items->category;

After make model Category and item you can go to Category controller and get the data from Category by

$cat = Category::all();

don not forget add

use App\Category; 

and the same thing if you want Item , Best Regards

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