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Sending a Message with Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMq changes ID

I'm using Spring Cloud Stream and RabbitMq to exchange Messages between different microservices.

Thats my setup to publish a message.

public interface OutputChannels {
  static final String OUTPUT_CHANNEL = "outputChannel";

  MessageChannel outputChannel();


public class OutputProducer {

  private OutputChannels outputChannels;

  public void createMessage(MyContent myContent) {
    Message<MyContent> message = MessageBuilder
    log.info("Sent message: " + message.getHeaders().getId() + myContent);

And the setup to receive the message

public interface InputChannels {
  String INPUT_CHANNEL = "inputChannel";

  SubscribableChannel inputChannel();


public class InputConsumer {

  public void receive(Message<MyContent> message) {

    MyContent myContent = message.getPayload();
    log.info("Received message: " + message.getHeaders().getId() + ", " + myContent);

I am able to successfully exchange messages with this setup. I would expect, that the IDs of the sent message and the received message are equal. But they are always different UUIDs.

Is there a way that the message keeps the same ID all the way from the producer, through the RabbitMq, to the consumer?

Spring Messaging messages are immutable; they get a new ID each time they are mutated.

You can use a custom header or IntegrationMessageHeaderAccessor.CORRELATION_ID to convey a constant value; in most use cases, the correlation id header is set by the application to the ID header at the start of a message's journey.

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