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Visual studio 2017 problem with namespaces in F#

I wrote this in HelperFunctions.fs:

namespace Tutorial1.HelperFunctions

module Factorials = 

    let rec fact n = 
        match n with
            | 0 -> 1
            | 1 -> 1
            | _ -> n * fact (n - 1)

And then this in Tutorial.fsx:

#load "HelperFunctions.fs"
open Tutorial1.HelperFunctions

module start = 
    let x = Factorials.fact 5
    printfn "%d" x

Code compiles and returns 120 as expected BUT: VS throws FS0039 error: Factorials and Tutorial1 namespace, type or module not defined... Tried many other combinations of open, module etc but then codes does not even compile. What is the problem I am not seeing here?

Okay, apparently the order of files in the vstudio matters, even if you include the file with #load. I had to shift the files upwards and it worked

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