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Python Dictionary and List Comparing

I am trying to compare each item in a the list "lines" to the dictionary "dic", and then add the item from lines to dic if it doesn't exist, or add 1 to the value of the key in the dictionary.

import string

def uniques():
    file = open("test.txt", "r")
    dic = {}
    data = file.read().replace('\n', ' ')
    strip = removePunctuation(data)
    lines = strip.split(' ')

    for item in lines:

        #this produces an error of unhashable type: 'list'
        if lines in dic:
            dic[item] = dic[item] + 1
            print("else ran")
            dic[item] = 1

    for item in dic:
        print(item, dic[item])
        print("There are " + str(len(dic)) + " items in the dictionary")

def removePunctuation(text):
    text = text.strip()
    return text.rstrip(string.punctuation)



if item in dic:
      dic[item] = dic[item] + 1

instead of

if lines in dic:
      dic[item] = dic[item] + 1
if item in dic.values():

instead of if lines in dic:

This would create a dict_value list.

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