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Android Data Binding Issue: The expression XXX cannot be inverted

I'm a newbie for android data binding. I want to bind multiple SeekBars to a collection of float, such as

SeekBar1.progress <---> modelArray[0]
SeekBar2.progress <---> modelArray[1]

Since the progress of SeekBar is a Int type, I think it would be better to use Converter, and below is the converter code:

import android.databinding.InverseMethod
import android.util.Log
import kotlin.math.roundToInt
class Converter {
    fun floatToProgress(value: Float): Int {
        val result = (value * 100.0f).roundToInt()
        Log.i("MODEL", "convert $value to $result(Int)")
        return result

    fun progressToFloat(value: Int): Float {
        return value.toFloat()/100.0f

and the model structure looks like:

class Model {
 val params by lazy {
        ObservableArrayMap<Int, Float>()

and my xml is following:

<layout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <data class="MyBinding">
        <variable name="Converter" type="com.mypackage.model.Converter"></variable>


The problem is, every time I build it, it shows :

Found data binding errors.
****/ data binding error ****
msg:The expression converter.floatToProgress(modelParams0) cannot be inverted: 
There is no inverse for method floatToProgress, you must add an @InverseMethod 
annotation to the method to indicate which method should be used when using 
it in two-way binding expressions

I already refer to lots of website, includes following:



But I still cannot find out what problem is. Could anyone give me some suggestion?

My development environment

macOS High Sierra, 
Android Studio 3.2.1, with compileSdkVersion 28 and gradle 3.2.1

Update: I also try to write Converter as following :

object Converter { // change to object
    @JvmStatic fun floatToProgress(value: Float): Int { // Add static
        val result = (value * 100.0f).roundToInt()
        Log.i("MODEL", "convert $value to $result(Int)")
        return result

    @JvmStatic fun progressToFloat(value: Int): Float { // Add static
        return value.toFloat()/100.0f

It still does not work.

Solution Ok, I found the problem: My project does not use Kapt. After add it to build.gradle, all works fine.

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

Also, I update my converter body as following:

object Converter {
    @JvmStatic fun floatToProgress(value: Float): Int {
        val result = (value * 100.0f).roundToInt()
        Log.i("MODEL", "convert $value to $result(Int)")
        return result

    @JvmStatic fun progressToFloat(value: Int): Float {
        val result =  value.toFloat()/100.0f
        Log.i("MODEL", "convert $value to $result(Float)")
        return result

If the @JVMStatic removed, the project can compile successfully, but the binding does not work.

Thanks everyone who give my suggestion. I think I just ask a silly question.

Refer to: Databinding annotation processor kapt warning


Ok, I found the problem: My project does not use Kapt. After add it to build.gradle, all works fine.

apply plugin: 'kotlin-kapt'

Also, I update my converter body as following:

object Converter {
    @JvmStatic fun floatToProgress(value: Float): Int {
        val result = (value * 100.0f).roundToInt()
        Log.i("MODEL", "convert $value to $result(Int)")
        return result

    @JvmStatic fun progressToFloat(value: Int): Float {
        val result =  value.toFloat()/100.0f
        Log.i("MODEL", "convert $value to $result(Float)")
        return result

If the @JVMStatic removed, the project can compile successfully, but the binding does not work.

Thanks everyone who give my suggestion. I think I just ask a silly question.

Refer to: Databinding annotation processor kapt warning

In my case the problem was that I was trying to make a custom TwoWay DataBinding Adapter

but my field in the ViewModel class was LiveData instead of MutableLiveData

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