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How to add environment configuration to workspace with multiple projects using xcconfig files

I created sample project to demonstrate the problem https://github.com/pikciu/XCodeWorksapce/tree/noPods

  • invalid paths to frameworks
  • frameworks build in different configuration than main project.

There are 4 build configurations and 2 schemes. Every build configuration uses different xcconfig file. 配置 Lib.framework is linked to the main project.

XCode builds frameworks in Release configuration even if main project is building in Debug. 构建失败

I have found these solutions: Xcode Build Configurations in Workspace With Multiple Projects and How to compile a project with app and library in the same workspace with different configuration names?


but it doesn't work. Maybe is it XCode 10 issue?

Your Lib target is being built with the Release configuration. Change this setting Under Configurations of your Lib project, use the Debug configuration for command-line builds.


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