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Error invoking command! when deploying war to WebSphere Liberty server using Maven Cargo

I'm currently trying to deploy a war file to a Websphere Liberty server.

                        <!-- Container configuration -->
                            <home>WebSphere server location</home>

When I run

cargo:deploy -Pintegration

I get the following error

[ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2->plugin:1.6.11:deploy (default-cli) on project artifact: Execution >default-cli of goal org.codehaus.cargo:cargo-maven2-plugin:1.6.11:deploy >failed: Deploy failed: Cannot execute jython script. Error invoking command! >Cannot run program "null\\bin\\wsadmin.bat": CreateProcess error=2, The system >cannot find the file specified

Anyone know what is causing this?

What plugin\\dependency I should use to get wsadmin.bat?

Or how I can fix this problem?

Thanks in advance


I am almost able to get this working The new config is below

                    <!-- Container configuration -->

The issue now is that the war file is getting deployed to


While the correct location should be


I have been looking at the reference guide but I don't see a way to have a custom directory.

I did try to add

        <file>war file</file>

Into the configuration settings.

But as expected this did not work.

Any ideas?

Thanks again.

Update <home>WebSphere server location</home> to point to your WAS_HOME location. When it tries to locate wsadmin to execute the jython script, it's failing: null\\bin\\wsadmin.bat. null should be the value of WAS_HOME...

Got the deployment working with the following code

                    <!-- Container configuration -->

Also it seems that you cannot configure where the war file is deployed to. It will only deploy to defaultServer.

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