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Using docker with running process

I've created this docker file which works for

FROM debian:9


# Install prerequisites
RUN ln -s /lib/ /lib64 
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install curl -y 

 RUN curl -L "https://cli.run.pivotal.io/stable?release=linux64-binary&version=${CF_CLI_VERSION}" | tar -zx -C /usr/local/bin

And it works as expected, now I run it like following

docker run -i -t cf-cli cf -v

and I see the version

Now every command which I want to run is something like

docker run -i -t cf-cli cf -something

my question is how can I enter into container and do ls etc without every-time doing

docker run -i -t cf-cli ...

I want to enter to the container like you enter to machine.

Have a look at docker exec . You'll probably want something like docker exec -it containername bash depending on the shell installed in the container.


docker exec -it <runningcontainername> bash

Step 1:

Run the container in background:

docke run -d --name myapp dockerimage


Exec into the containr myapp:

docker exec -it myapp bash

run any commands inside as u wish

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