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Dotnet Installing Custom Templates Issue

I have created a project Template for MS Orleans Grain (.NET Standard 2.0 project) To install using this command:

dotnet new -i OrleansGrain.NetCore.ProjectTemplate::*

The package is hosted on Nuget.org, with .NET Console App I managed to make it work, but this package is .NET Standard 2.0 Class Library and when I try to install i got the following error message:

C:\\Users\\thiag.templateengine\\dotnetcli\\v2.1.403\\scratch\\restore.csproj : error NU1202: Package OrleansGrain.NetCore.ProjectTemplate 1.0.2 is not compatible with netcoreapp1.0 (.NETCoreApp,Version=v1.0). Package OrleansGrain.NetCore.ProjectTemplate 1.0.2 supports: netstandard2.0 (.NETStandard,Version=v2.0) Generating MSBuild file C:\\Users\\thiag.templateengine\\dotnetcli\\v2.1.403\\scratch\\obj\\restore.csproj.nuget.g.props. Generating MSBuild file C:\\Users\\thiag.templateengine\\dotnetcli\\v2.1.403\\scratch\\obj\\restore.csproj.nuget.g.targets. Restore failed in 1.73 sec for C:\\Users\\thiag.templateengine\\dotnetcli\\v2.1.403\\scratch\\restore.csproj.

Found the issue, when creating a Nuget Package for Project Template we should use Nuget command line.


Need to create nuspec file and use:

nuget pack file.nuspec

Then the nupkg is generated correctly, instead from solution on Visual Studio.

Actually, there IS a way of making this work with the SDK style projects.

Via https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/nuget/reference/msbuild-targets#suppress-dependencies , there's a SuppressDependenciesWhenPacking property when added and set to true in the .csproj file will skip adding the <dependencies> node to the generated .nuspec file.

Here's an example of a PropertyGroup that will generate a proper dotnet template package.

    <Description>SDK Style Test Template</Description>

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