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How to post extjs data from form to server?

I have understood how to GET data from server to application. Now I face with POST task. I have form, and want post fields data to server by clicking on button.

I trying to use this:

{//some controllercode

          xtype: 'button'  
          text: 'save',
          ui: 'confirm',
          scope: this,
          handler: function() {
                  method: 'POST',
                  params: {
                      ReplaceAllRefs: true


what the parameter of Ext.Ajax defines data which will post to server through url? I can use this class for POST task or isn't the best way?

if you want to post form data you can use form.submit method instead of Ext.ajax ..

 var form  = your_form_panel.getForm();
 if(form.isValid()){ //isValid() will validate all your form fields 
            url : '/api/renter/',
            params: params,    //additional parameters can be send in object
            success: function(form, o){

            failure: function(form, o){


Have a look at the ExtJs documentation of Ext.Ajax.request for the option jsonData .

jsonData : Object/String

JSON data to use as the post. Note: This will be used instead of params for the post data.
Any params will be appended to the URL.

So your Ajax request should look like

    method: 'POST',
    jsonData: {
        ReplaceAllRefs: true

When you want to submit GET and POST data you can do it with params and jsonData .

    method: 'POST',
    params: {
        someGetParam: 'value'
    jsonData: {
        ReplaceAllRefs: true

In the end i have used this block of code:

 { text: 'save', ui: 'confirm', handler: function() { var dataup3 = this.up().items.items[0]; //get form's fields level var dataSet3 = dataup.getValues(); Ext.Ajax.request({ url:'/api/cutarea/', method: 'POST', params: dataSet3 }) } } 
Thanks for answers!

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