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Braintree: can users update their vaulted customer information?

I'm using the Braintree v3 javascript client implementation. After my server returns to me the vaulted information on the customer : payment method, billing address, etc so I can pre-populate some fields on the UI, is there a way on the client side to update the information, such as billing address, if they want to change it?

Disclaimer: I work at Braintree. If you need more assistance, please reach out to Braintree Support .

You can make a server side API call that updates the customer's information based on what they enter into your client-side form. Here is an example of making this call using the Node.js sdk:

gateway.customer.update("theCustomerId", {
  firstName: "New First Name",
  lastName: "New Last Name"
}, function (err, result) {

A link with more details is located in Braintree's Support Documentation .

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