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Get records in MS flow from Dynamics CRM

I am new to CRM and flow and in building a flow using MS flow, I need to get a record from Dynamics CRM equivalent to below SQL query -

select * from contacts where emailId = '<email id>'

Can you please help me to understand that how can I achieve this. I tried using List records feature but it threw an error that OData query is not correct. Image of flow is attached.


好吧,它正在工作,我只需要将提供的参数放在单引号中,例如 -

 emailaddress1 eq '<Customer email>'

If I understand correctly, the issue you are facing is with Filter query, Flow is not throwing an Error.

  • I tried to replicate the Flow on my Instance/org.
  • The issue is see is your filter filed "emailadress" should be selected from CRM ie from system.
  • It is not mapped from CRM rather you wrote it per hand.
  • Click on Filter query it will open the dialog from where you could map the fields. Screenshot below will help you understand more.


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