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How to display several paragraphs of text in android studio

In the app I'm building, I'm hoping to have several different guides / tutorials that will each contain several paragraphs and hopefully pictures in them. Right now the only thing I would know to do is to have all of the different texts written out long form in my strings resource file. I would then need to have separate layouts and fragments for each tutorial.

Is there an easier way? Can I separate my strings resource file at least so that I don't have that one file completely bogged down? Could I maybe import the text from a separate file?

Yes, you can. you need to set text programmatically. You need only one layout for all of these same type information page.

Let's say you have

    android:text="@string/hello" />

You can get that text view from java activity like below and set the text you want..

 public class MainActivity extends Activity {

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
         final TextView helloTextView = (TextView) findViewById(R.id.text_view_id);

you can do this setText process by adding a switch, if or any conditional checking process like below

switch(expression) {
   case value :

   case value :
      break; // optional

   // You can have any number of case statements.
      // Statements

PS: I think you can use different text style while you creating resource text. You can follow this https://www.myandroidsolutions.com/2017/09/29/android-html-textview/#.W9pu1mgzaUk for it.

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