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Can't publish using Visual studio 2017 (community version)

I have a small project with python finished and ready to publish (transforming everything into one executable); but, when I disposed to do so, I realized that the "publish" button was disabled. I tried looking explanations in the internet, but didn't get anything. Then, I searched for a publish alternative, but the ones I found seemed to be overcomplicated and untrusty.

Because of that, now I come here to ask for your knowledge/help on this matter that troubles me.

I stay tuned to your answers and wish you a great day :)

Update: tried with PyInstaller and cx_freeze. PyInstaller gives me the:

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded

And cx_freeze creates everything, but, when I run the executable, it closes inmediatly (and yes, I tried adding an input("promt...") at the end, without success).

By chance, you will not know how to solve any of these problems? :/

I finally solved it. I used pyintaller (cx_freeze didn't work), but in the .spec added this at the start:

import sys

And in the Analysis added:


Hope it helps someone so they don't lose all day searching for the solution like I did :P

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