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Flutter overflow: hidden analogue

Is there any flutter widget that prevents the children to paint outside a Container by any mean?

I have this container with a child that may get some transformations (such as scale and rotate) and therefore can be painted outside

I want to limit the children's painting to only inside the parent Container, just like a div with CSS overflow:hidden; would behave.

A sample:

return Container( // the one with overflow hidden -ish behavior
   height: 300.0,
   child: TheTransformingChild() // the one that can get bigger that container

There is - what you're looking for is a combination of OverflowBox or SizedOverflowBox and ClipRect , or ClipOval, or ClipPath, or ClipRRect etc.

I'd recommend looking through the painting and layout sections of the flutter widget catalog (and the rest of it as well) as it generally does a pretty good job of showcasing the widgets you need.

I think it's easier to use clipBehavior: property in container

clipBehavior: Clip.hardEdge,
height: 400,
width: 400,
child :TheTransformingChild(),)

An easy way is to use the Wrap component (below is your example).

return Container( // the one with overflow hidden -ish behavior
  height: 300.0,
  child: Wrap(
    children: [

It also replaces the Column component in most cases:

Using Column


Using Wrap


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