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Android Adapter formats layout before onDataSetChanged has had time to process the data

I'm implementing an instance of RemoteViewsService.RemoteViewsFactory which controls the layout for my widget. The problem is the data to format the layouts gets pulled from the database and formatted asynchronously via RxJava2.

public void onDataSetChanged() {
        .subscribe(data -> {
            // Data is ready at this point
            // Unfortunately it's too late

public RemoteViews getViewAt(int position) { // layout with non-existant data }

Since I don't control (not that I know of) when the layout starts initiating the layout in, how can I stop #getViewAt from trying to process the layout before the data's ready?

Short answer : Just fetch your data from database in onDataSetChanged() without async. Something like:

    .subscribe(data -> {
        // Data is ready at this point
        // And after that, chain to getViewAt() will be triggered, 
        // so you will have all your data for views in time

Long answer : onDataSetChanged() is working on binder thread, so it will be safe to fetch data here. In RemoteViewFactory callbacks, only onCreate() is on main thread. You can easily check it by logging current thread in all callbacks of RemoteViewFactory. So there will be no problem anymore, after executing onDataSetChanged() , it will trigger chain to getViewAt() , and you will have already all data for your remoteviews list at this moment. 在此处输入图片说明

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