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how to use raw sql with laravel eloquent builder

I need to get name and id from my user table, name is in two column as first_name and last_name . This is what I have done

$user = User::select('id',DB::raw("CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ' ,`last_name`) AS name"))
        ->where('name', 'like' ,$token)

which gives me an error Unknown column 'name' in 'where clause' . I printed out the raw sql which looks like this

select `id`, CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ' ,`last_name`) AS name from `user` where `name` like ? and `user`.`deleted_at` is null

How can I use concat and like with my eloquent builder properly?

Try This:

$user = User::select('id',DB::raw("CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ' ,`last_name`) AS name"))
        ->where(DB::raw("CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ', `last_name`)"), 'LIKE', "%".$token."%");

try to use like that

$user = User::select('id',DB::raw("CONCAT(first_name, ' ' ,last_name) as name"))
        ->where(DB::raw("CONCAT(first_name, ' ' ,last_name)"), 'like' ,"%".$token."%")

You should try this:

$user = User::select('Tenant_Id', DB::raw('CONCAT(first_name, " ", last_name) AS name'))
        ->where('name', 'like' ,$token)

Try this-

$user = User::select('id',DB::raw("CONCAT(`first_name`, ' ' ,`last_name`) AS name"))
    ->where(DB::raw("CONCAT(`first_name`,' ', `last_name`)"), 'LIKE', "%" . $name . "%");

It worked for me.

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