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docker-compose Can't find a suitable configuration file

For anyone that knows about docker on Linux:

I just try to docker-compose a simple docker image, getting this weird error telling me that there is no docker-compose.yml file - however the file actually exists. See this asciinema demonstration:


Moving my docker-compose.yml files into (children of) /root solved the issue for me.

Doing a docker-compose up in /srv/mystuff resulted in a Can't find a suitable configuration file... error, although /srv/mystuff/docker-compose.yml existed. Then I did

mv /srv/mystuff /root
cd /root/mystuff
docker-compose up

It worked. Because apparently:

All files that docker needs access to should live within your $HOME folder.



You did not have include docker-compose version in composer file. Try to define your services properly as follows.

version: '3'
   image: hello-world

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