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angular 7 does not ask if to use routing when i create a new project

I was formerly using Angular version 6, now I have upgraded to 7. But when I try to create a new project in CLI using ng new [app-name] it just starts without asking if I want to include routing in my project or the styling.

PS: I have the latest version of Angular ie 7.0.2.

ng new {Project-name} command by default creates project without routing.

You need to set routing flag as true while creating project as below(by default this routing flag will be false),

ng new {Project-name} --routing=true

Go through angular documentation for more details

ng new --help run this command this will open up the things you can do while creating project.


Lets say I wanna create Angular project with routing and .scss styles then I would do it by the following command.

ng new project-name --routing=true --style=scss

I don't know why but when I tried to initialize the project using git bash on windows it doesn't prompt the questions about routing and style sheets. However, when I tried to use the same command in the terminal inside de VS code it worked. It's strange since both terminals runs with bash.

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