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Adding data to href in VUE

Having a bit of an issue adding data to HREF in Vue. I currently have the following code to render the respective icons.

              v-for="icon in icons"
              class="mx-3 white--text"
              <v-icon  size="24px">{{ icon.icon }}
                <a :href="`#${icon.link}`" ></a>

And the data as follows:

     icons: [
      {icon:'fab fa-facebook', link:'https://www.facebook.com/user'},
      {icon:'fab fa-twitter', link:'https://twitter.com/user'},
      {icon:'fab fa-linkedin', link:'https://www.linkedin.com/in/user/'},
      {icon:'fab fa-instagram', link:'https://www.instagram.com/user/'},

The icons themselves are rendering properly, but I can't for the life of me get the links to work.

How would I link up the href to the icon using {{icon.link}}

To bind the data you just have to do a v-bind in href, and correctly target the positioning you want inside the href, continue with the example that I will provide.

<div id="app">
<a :href="icons[1].link" >test</a>

new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: () => ({
icons: [
      {icon:'fab fa-facebook', link:'https://www.facebook.com/user'},
      {icon:'fab fa-twitter', link:'https://twitter.com/user'},
      {icon:'fab fa-linkedin', link:'https://www.linkedin.com/in/user/'},
      {icon:'fab fa-instagram', link:'https://www.instagram.com/user/'},

Example: https://jsfiddle.net/hamiltongabriel/ke8w9czy/16/

You don't have any content inside of the <a> -tag. This should work:

    v-for="icon in icons"
    class="mx-3 white--text"
    <a :href="`#${icon.link}`">
      <v-icon size="24px">{{ icon.icon }}</v-icon>

You could assign the href property directly to the vuetify button.

    v-for="icon in icons"
    class="mx-3 white--text"
    <v-icon  size="24px">{{ icon.icon }}

Vuetify Button Doc

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