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regex replace with groups plus optional group in javascript

What's working : I'm using a regex similar to the one below for phone numbers ( the actual regex is here ) that can grab extensions as an optional 4th group. The regex itself is working fine for the first three groups as shown below

"555-555-5555 x214".replace(/([\d]{3})-([\d]{3})-([\d]{4})(?: +x([\d]+))?/, "$1-$2-$3");
// returns 555-555-5555

What I'm looking for : I can't find the syntax for the replace string to insert the phone extension preceded by a x ONLY if the 4th group is captured. In my real regex, the phone extension could be marked by few different character designations which I would like to simply replace with an "x".

If I use:

"555-555-5555 x214".replace(/([\d]{3})-([\d]{3})-([\d]{4})(?: +x([\d]+))?/, "$1-$2-$3 x4");
// returns 555-555-5555 x214

"555-555-5555".replace(/([\d]{3})-([\d]{3})-([\d]{4})(?: +x([\d]+))?/, "$1-$2-$3 x4");
// will return 555-555-5555 x

In the last example, I get the "x" (which I'm not surprised by), so I'm looking for the syntax to only add the "x" plus group 4 if something was captured.

Is this possible with String.replace? If not, is there a more efficient way to replace these groups with a formatted number type once I've identified their parts?

The String#replace function can also take a function as a 2nd argument, which can be more expressive that a string.

For example:

"555-555-5555".replace(/(\d{3})-(\d{3})-(\d{4})(?: +x(\d+))?/, replacer);

function replacer(match, p1, p2, p3, p4, offset, string) {
  return `${p1}-${p2}-${p3}` + (p4 ? ` x${p4}` : '')

See MDN documentation for more details :)

Note that your regex needed some modifications. Play with it here: https://regex101.com/r/rtJYTw/1

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