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How to change ErrorAttributes of ResponseStatusException?

How can I change the error attributes that are exposed when throwing a ResponseStatusException ?

Especially I want to hide the exception , error and status type in the json, but only during production.

    public class MyController {
       public Object get() {
          throw new org.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException(
                 HttpStatus.Forbidden, "some message");


    "timestamp": "2018-11-06T12:16:50.111+0000",
    "status": 403,
    "error": "Forbidden",
    "exception": "org.springframework.web.server.ResponseStatusException",
    "message": "some message",
    "path": "/test"

It's configure using DefaultErrorAttributes

public DefaultErrorAttributes(boolean includeException)

Create a new DefaultErrorAttributes instance.


includeException - whether to include the "exception" attribute

Notice the default is without

public DefaultErrorAttributes()

Create a new DefaultErrorAttributes instance that does not include the "exception" attribute.

See example of customizing error

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