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Passing arguments to StringTemplate function

Let's say I have

@SqlQuery("SELECT :someField FROM myTable")
String fetchField(@Bind("someField") final String columnName);

I want to move this into a stg file using UseStringTemplate3StatementLocator and then from there, use group files and templates. I need to pass this argument to another function, ie

String fetchField(@Bind("someField") final String columnName);

// in the stg file
fetchField() ::= <<
<someOtherMethod(:someField)> <! I need to pass someField to this other function ->

someOtherMethod(columnName) ::= <<
 ... All the query is generated here

This is not working. How do I do this?

You would need to use @Define annotation to provide attributes to StringTemplate4 , and then, you would use it as <someField> . But, in this way, query written will be open for SQL injection

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